Monday, April 5, 2010

i use facebook between pulling teeth.

i think i have a problem. 
when it comes to health i always assume the worst.  actually now that i think about i assume the worst about everything.  chest discomfort?  heart attack.  headache?  aneurysm.  boarding an airplane?  have fun on your last flight.  going fishing on a boat?  hope you can swim.  heartburn?  barretts.  not that any of that has stopped me from doing anything but its seriously annoying.  i think everyday is just me cheating death.  or something like that.  i dont actually look at the world in that way so calm down. but you get the point. my newest issue is either something fishy happening to my spleen or pancreas.

anyway i shouldn't have eaten 6 white castle burgers and infinite fries and onion rings along with a gallon of sweet tea to wash it all down over the weekend.  doesnt help my case. 

it would probably have been safer for me to snort a pound of crack. 


  1. "it would probably have been safer for me to snort a pound of crack"

    And you'd have had a helluva lot more fun afterwards.

    BTW that picture is fantastic! There's at least three things wrong with that sign, and they all make me sad for people.


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