i know a lot of people rave about morgan freeman's voice which i have to say is pretty damn awesome. he sounds so wise and friendly. i would add that a pretty awesome female voice belongs to terry gross. her voice is soothing.
anyway the reason for the post today is because my neck is sooo itchy. not sure what happened but after shaving on wed night something seriously irritated my neck. everything was normal. washed my face. put on a really cheap rite aid brand shaving foam. (not only is it cheap but it lasted almost 6 months now) finally, i shaved. but now i am devastated. that night i could hardly sleep cuz i needed to scratch my neck. i didnt actually scratch. after a shave i usually cant even touch my face b/c it gets sore. my skin is just so delicate and fine...that has always been the case. (i kid) but what is going on now...i have no idea. im scared tho b/c i kind of have to shave this weekend. usually when something goes awry in the shaving process i can wait a week with no shave and recover. not gonna happen this time.
tomorrow...there will be blood.
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