Friday, February 12, 2010

free hbo? thats amazing!

driving over to the office today i passed a comfort inn.  the hotel has been there a long time and seems like its probably decent based on the exterior maintenance.  they also have a pretty large ticker style sign under the comfort inn sign.  usually its stuff about the restaurant inside or advertising meeting facilities...stuff like that.  well today they proudly anounced, "4 HBO's."  for me i think thats actually a new low, nothing to be bragging about.  advertising HBO in a hotel is so 1980's and maybe early 90's.  those were a dark era in technology, style, and pretty much everything else.  for starters there are hardly any good shows still on HBO.  and even if there are who the hell would actually use that in making a decision of where to stay?  not in this day and age.  i'd hope.  maybe if you are from some small town in mississippi you might think its luxury but no one else is excused.  but even the crappiest and sleaziest motels have free hbo.  if you want to impress me give me free wi-fi and an lcd hdtv.  then i'd be tempted to spend the night. 

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