Tuesday, February 9, 2010

why is my towel wet?

im hardly a gym guy but ive started to go regularly over the last month.  i dont feel different.  i dont look different.  my weight is 179.4 on average today and it was the same before.  i know many of you may thinking, "well of course it wont change, you're already perfect!"  i must disagree...but i'll let you win that argument. 

okay so my mind is constantly wandering while i am at the gym and i notice so many strange things which will probably come out in different posts.  today i got something pretty screwed up that happened to me because of me.  i finish up my typically lame workout and decide im gonna use the steam room before showering.  so i grab my towel and hang it up on the hooks by the shower.  i steam for a little while until i couldnt breathe and got dizzy...so i guess i was in there for about a minute or two... well next it was time to shower.  i did my showering and got ready to grab my towel.  only problem is that there were like 5 white towels and i had no clue where i hung mine.  i took my best guess and grabbed one.

first thing i go to dry is my face and holy crap "my" towel was suspiciously already moist.  and all over my face.  i dont even want to think why that towel was damp.  i was so grossed out but i wasnt sure if i should just commit to the towel which was definitely not the fresh towel i brought...hell no.  i looked around and saw no one, so i quietly hung that crap back up.  then i grabbed my next best guess.  this new towel was dry and seemingly fresh.  i dried myself off.  wiped my face down REALLY good.  after that i got the hell outta there before the next guy realized his towel, which was once sorta wet and moist, now had a soaking wet spot.

i realize this is gross on so many levels.  im so sorry for sharing.


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