Wednesday, June 2, 2010


driving into work i was listening to the radio...a rap song was on.  it was some sort of remake of big pimpin.  im not sure what was being said most of the time but i know at one point in the refrain they were spelling something out.  i tried to put the letters together to try to figure out what it was they were spelling... B-A-L-B-U-M-B? (i think) now i am no linguist or spelling bee champ but i'm pretty sure that is not a word.  unless of course its some new made up word.  i hate when hip hop culture makes up words.  i dont have an issue with word invention but i just take a while to catch on.  like the whole "minute" thing.  used in context it usually goes something like, "i aint seen my dentist in a minute."  like how i tied that into myself?  i know you do. 

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