i was once listening to a writer being interviewed on npr and he was saying his writing is often influenced by his dreams. if i did that it would be a most disturbing novel indeed. at the very least it would be random as hell.
so here it goes:
i had a dream last night in which i was at home chillin... doing a whole lotta nothing when suddenly i realized i was a congressman. apparently what happened was i halfheartedly tossed my name into the election ballot and by chance i won. just nobody told me that i won. so i ended up missing almost 3 months of my term sitting at home...again, doing a whole lotta nothing. well i raced off to get to dc and when i got there i went straight to capitol hill and found where all the congressmen were. i found my chair as congress was in the middle of a debate. it was some issue about water actually. anyway i sat down and it was pretty damn boring. i was having trouble staying awake after a few minutes of listening so i just kept a low profile. as some lady was talking about water, there was some old senator standing nearby and kind of taunting all the representatives because he was trying to move the proceedings along. he thought he was better than all of us representatives. what a jerk.
anyway i left the meeting realizing that i was never even officially sworn in...oops. and i was scared that i started so late that my constituents might not reelect me after having missed so many votes.
random political crap:
love the spelling correction.
So you had problems staying awake in your sleep?