Friday, April 30, 2010

sometimes posts cant wait.

ok so i decided its time to go to bed after watching 2 hrs of comedy central.  little did i know that my best laugh was yet to come.  i present to you (blown up for your viewing pleasure) white lady wearing pakistani cricket support shirt:
shes actually modelling it on a website for T20 tournament cricket.  poor lady.  i think its safe to say the smile is fake.  you see, just before bed i decided to check up on T20 cricket action but once the page opened i realized i knew nothing about the sport.  why did i even visit the site when i couldn't even tell who was winning or losing when i looked at scores?  fate, that's why.  as i scrolled down i saw some shirts for sale and i decided to see what kind of cricket gear they had.  of course a few clicks here and there and i come across the lady.  i was startled to see white lady in paki shirt.  just so unexpected. 

i would like to meet this lady

1 comment:

  1. unfortunately, this white lady is probably more Pakistani than you are.


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